Activity 2 : Measure and Compare Volumes of Liquid Using Standard Units for Low Achiever

Posted by Jasleen bt Mohamed Razali on 7:38 AM
Class : Year 2 Jujur
Topic : Volume of Liquid
Learning Area : 6.2 Measuring and Comparing Liquid
6.2.2 Measure and Compare Volume of Liquid Using Standard Unit
Learning Outcome :
At the end of the leasson, pupils can measure liquid volume using standard units correctly.
Teaching Aids: Containers of various shapes and sizes, bottles, glasses, jug, mug, selinders, worksheets and measuring forms.
Learning Activities :
Set Induction: -
 By using of concrete materials such as picture and water containers, the teacher asked students to name each containers and why there are in a different forms and shapes such as objects in the pictures.

~ Teacher shows the student a video from Peter Wetherall,  how to measure volume of water correctly.
 Teacher and students discuss about the video.
~ Teacher shows and repeat all the steps from the video to the students by using the test tubes/silinder in front of the class.
~ Teacher explain about the correct way to read level of liquid at the level of meniscus.

~  In group of six, teacher ask pupils to measure the volume in millilitre/liter just like in the video and read aloud the measurements.

~ Teacher ask pupils to do the exercise in the worksheets.

 Closure : Teacher shows the video again and ask pupils to sing along.


Activity 1 : Measure and Compare Volumes of Liquid Using Standard Units for High Achiever

Posted by Jasleen bt Mohamed Razali on 7:37 AM
Class               : Year 2 Amanah
Topic               : 6. Volume of Liquid
Learning Area : 6.2 Measuring and Comparing Volumes of Liquid
Learning Objectives   :  6.2.1 Measure and Compare Volumes of Liquid  Using  Standard Units
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of lesson, pupils can measure and compare the volume of liquid by using standard units correctly.
Teaching aids: Containers of various shapes and sizes, bottles, glasses, jug, mug, selinders, worksheets and measuring forms
Learning Activities : Set Induction :
By using of concrete materials such as picture and water containers, the teacher asked students to name each containers and why their are in a different forms and shapessuch as objects in the pictures

Teacher shows the student a video from Peter Wetherall,  how to measure volume of water correctly.

~ Teacher and students discuss about the video.
~ Teacher shows and repeat all the steps from the video to the students by using the test tubes/silinder in front of the class.
Teacher explain about the correct way to read level of liquid at level of the meniscus
~ In group of six, teacher ask pupils to measure the volume in mililitre/liter just like in the video and read aloud the measurements
~ Teacher give every group 4 kinds of containers and ask pupils to measure the water from the container into the silinder
~ Pupils need to write down the amount of water in liter unit in the measurements forms given.
~ Teacher ask pupils to do the exercise in the worksheets.

~ Closure : Teacher shows the video again and ask pupils to sing along.


Activity 2 : Measure and Compare Volumes of Liquid by Direct Comparison and by Using Uniform Non-Standard Units for Low Achiever

Posted by Jasleen bt Mohamed Razali on 7:34 AM
Class               : Year 2 Jujur
Topic               : 6. Volume of Liquid
Learning Area : 6.2 Measuring and Comparing Volumes of Liquid
Learning Objectives   :
6.2.1 Measure and Compare Volumes of Liquid by Direct Comparison and  using Non-Standard Units
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of lesson, pupils can measure and compare the volume of liquid by doing direct comparison using non-standard units properly.
Teaching aids:
Containers of various shapes and sizes, bottles, glasses, paints,

Learning Activities : Set Induction

~ Teacher shows pupils a video about a child guessing which container holds more water.
Teacher and pupils discuss and asking questions about the video.
~ Teacher shows to the class the same situation like in the video and ask pupils to guess which container holds more water.
~ Teacher shows the power point slide of activity 2 at slide 8 and ask pupils to sit in a group of six.

By following the instruction from the power point, pupils mixing water with colours
~  Pupils fills colour of water in bottles randomly.
~ Students will also be guided to make an estimate as half full, full and empty.
~ Students are asked put the bottle on the flat table.
~ Students compare the level of the water level in the bottles.
~ Pupils asked to arrange  the bottles in order according to the water level in the bottles.

~ Teachers discuss with students. Teachers stressed the higher levels of water, the more volume of water.

Pupils are given worksheets to do the exercises.
~ For enrichments the pupils in group, do the Activity 3 from the power point slides.
~ Closure : Cleaning the class.


Activity 1 : Measure and Compare Volumes of Liquid by Direct Comparison and by Using Uniform Non-Standard Units for High Achiever

Posted by Jasleen bt Mohamed Razali on 7:32 AM
Class               : Year 2 Amanah
Topic               : 6. Volume of Liquid
Learning Area : 6.2 Measuring and Comparing Volumes of Liquid
Learning Objectives   :
6.2.1 Measure and Compare Volumes of Liquid by Direct Comparison and  using Non-Standard Units
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of lesson, pupils can measure and compare the volume of liquid by doing direct comparison using non-standard units properly.
Teaching aids:
Containers of various shapes and sizes, bottles, glasses, balloons, paints, hangger.

Learning Activities : Set Induction
~ Teacher shows pupils a video about a child guessing which container holds more water. 

~ Teacher and pupils discuss and asking questions about the video.
~ Teacher shows to the class the same situation like in the video and ask pupils to guess which container holds more water.
~ Teacher shows the power point slide and ask pupils to sit in a group of six.
~ By following the instruction from the power point, pupils mixing water with colours
~ Pupils fills color of water in water bottles, plastic bags and balloons then tied with string or rubber band for easy hanging.
~ Teacher hangs on the hanger at the retort stand to suit the height of students.
~ Teacher ask the pupils to hangs the balloons that fills with colour water.
Pupils are given worksheet to do the exercise.

~ For enrichments the pupils in group, do the Activity 2 and 3 using the bottles  from the power point slides.
~ Students will also be guided to make an estimate as half full, full and empty.
~ Closure : Cleaning the class


Teaching Aid 2 - Mathematic Year 2 Measuring Volume of Liquid

Posted by Jasleen bt Mohamed Razali on 7:20 AM

Volume of Liquid Worksheets
P/S : Please follow the link


Teaching Aid 1 - Mathematic Year 2 Measuring Volume of Liquid

Posted by Jasleen bt Mohamed Razali on 7:49 AM

* P/S : Please follow the link


Misconception on Capacity of Volumes of Liquid Among Primary School Students

Posted by Jasleen bt Mohamed Razali on 8:07 AM

    Often students experience problems of recovery to measure the rate of liquid measure is a measure of fluid or a little more.They will tend to make random research on the size of an object which in turn led to mistakes in making accurate estimates.

    As we know, students need remedial teaching and learning activities are preferred to the activities that involve students with the help of an attractive teaching materials.With the participation of pupils, a teaching and learning topics that are considered difficult to be easily controlled in the long run.

    Through the above diagram, it shows an object which has the greater amount of liquid that is between the pepsi soda bottle, a cup of water or a glass of water. This will give a wrong estimate among the pupils that they will estimate the volume of a liquid according to the height of an object without any thought to measure the volume.

   The most effective strategy is to use two types of glass that are the same size to make it easier to determine the volume of a liquid. This will be done by placing the liquid in both glasses is the same size large. This activity will be to provide accurate observations among the disciples of recovery on the volume of a liquid that has a greater volume of content.

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